Pacific Loon | Cache Co. |
Surf Scoter | Washington Co. |
Red-shouldered Hawk | Washington Co. |
Common Tern | Box Elder Co. |
Lewis's Woodpecker | Box Elder Co. . |
Northern Shrike | Utah Co. |
Cassin's Vireo | Box Elder Co. |
Virginia's Warbler | Washington Co. |
Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler | Washington Co. |
Townsend's Warbler | Washington Co. |
Black-and-white Warbler | Washington Co. |
Summer Tanager | Juab Co |
Utah Birdline (801) 538-4730 Compiler: Mark Stackhouse Transcriber: Mark Stackhouse |
At Willard Bay SP, several COMMON TERNS were seen at the end of the gravel spit which extends into the bay near the south end of the campground on Sunday, 10/15. On the same day, a LEWIS'S WOODPECKER was seen in the trees east of the spit, and a CASSIN'S VIREO was seen in the picnic area south of the campground (LK,JVM).
A winter-plumage PACIFIC LOON was seen on Hyrum Reservoir on Saturday, 10/14 (KA).
An adult PARASITIC JAEGER was seen at FBWMA on Saturday, 10/28 (DS,m.ob.). It was seen from the Egg Island overlook, at the north end of the west dike road, flying over the mudflats to the west, chasing egrets and gulls.
An adult male BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER was seen at Fish Springs NWR on Wednesday, 10/25 (TS). The bird was in the residential area at the refuge. Birders must ask permission at the office to bird this area.
Also at Fish Springs NWR, a female SUMMER TANAGER was seen in the picnic area on Wednesday, 10/25 (TS).
An immature NORTHERN SHRIKE was seen at the Provo Airport on Monday, 10/16 (RS). The bird was seen along the south extension of the airport dike.
An immature RED-SHOULDERED HAWK was seen near the Grafton ghost town on Wednesday, 10/18 (KC,BS). It was seen in the trees along the Virgin River about 1/4 mile northeast of the town site.
An immature SURF SCOTER was seen at Quail Creek Reservoir on Tuesday, 10/24 (RF,KW).
At Tonaquint Park in St. George, a female BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER, a "MYRTLE" YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER, a TOWNSEND'S WARBLER and a VIRGINIA'S WARBLER were seen on Sunday, 10/22 (RD,RF,P&SS). The Black-and-white Warbler was seen again in the same location on Monday and Tuesday, 10/23 anbd 10/24 (RF,KW).
Observers: KA=Keith Archibald, KC=Kristie Carmichael, RD=Rob Dobbs, RF=Rick Fridell, KL=Kent Lewis, TS=Terry Sadler, DS=Dennis Shirley, BS=Bob Showler, RS=Reed Stone, P&SS=Priscilla & Steve Summers, JVM=Julie VanMoorhem, KW=Kevin Wheeler
Abbreviations used:
FBWMA = Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area m.ob = many observers NWR = National Wildlife Refuge SP = State Park
This concludes the Utah Bird Report for Saturday, October 28, 2000.
Please report your sightings by calling the Utah Birdline at: (801) 538-4730 or by e-mail to
You may e-mail questions and comments to or you may call (801) 487-9453.