Utah Bird Report for 12/10/99
Submitted by Mark Stackhouse (westwings@sisna.com) to the bird net

Birds mentioned

Trumpeter Swan Box Elder Co.
Wood Duck Salt Lake Co.
Hooded Merganser Box Elder Co.
Red-breasted Merganser Box Elder Co.
Sanderling Davis Co., Salt Lake Co.
Least Sandpiper Salt Lake Co.
Wilson's Phalarope Davis Co.
Northern Pygmy-Owl Salt Lake Co.
Northern Shrike Salt Lake Co., Weber Co.
Common Bushtit Salt Lake Co.
Bewick's Wren Box Elder Co.
Hermit Thrush Salt Lake Co.
Northern Mockingbird Davis Co.
American Tree Sparrow Salt Lake Co., Weber Co.


Utah Birdline
(801) 538-4730
Compiler: Mark Stackhouse
Transcriber: Mark Stackhouse


A TRUMPETER SWAN was heard calling from amongst a large flock of Tundra Swans along the north side of the auto-tour loop at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge on Sunday, 12/05 (MS,DW).

Large numbers of HOODED MERGANSERS have been reported from Willard Bay SP over the past week. Most of the sightings are from the northeast corner of the bay, near the campground. Twenty-three Hooded Mergansers were seen on Saturday, 12/04 (B&TC), and the same number were seen on Sunday, 12/05 (MS,DW). On Wednesday, 12/08, 14 Hooded Mergansers were seen there (KE,JR, m.obs.).

An immature male RED-BREASTED MERGANSER was also at Willard Bay SP, on the rocky spit at the entrance to the marina, on Sunday 12/05 (MS,DW). It was seen again on Wednesday, 12/08 (KE,JR,m.obs.).

In the campground of Willard Bay SP, a BEWICK'S WREN was seen on Sunday, 12/05 (DS,MS,DW).

DAVIS COUNTY Along the Antelope Island Causeway, a late WILSON'S PHALAROPE and 6 SANDERLINGS were seen on Thursday, 12/09. That same day, a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD was seen at the marina on Antelope Island at the end of the causeway (KE,JR,VAS).

SALT LAKE COUNTY In City Creek Canyon, NORTHERN PYGMY-OWLS were seen at two locations. On Saturday, 12/04, one was seen at mile-marker 2 (AM,AlM), and on Sunday, 12/05, one was seen at picnic area 8 (J&SS). A flock of COMMON BUSHTITS was noted in City Creek Canyon on these same days by the same observers.

Several good birds have been seen along the Jordan River in the southern part of Salt Lake County. On Saturday, 12/04, AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS were seen just north of 124th South (DG). Near 106th South on Sunday, 12/05, a HERMIT THRUSH was seen, along with 2 male and 3 female WOOD DUCKS (M&MSm).

Two large flocks of SANDERLINGS, and a flock of about 10 LEAST SANDPIPERS were seen along the south shore of the Great Salt Lake about 1/2 mile east of Saltair on Wednesday, 12/08 (MS).

A NORTHERN SHRIKE was seen along the I-80 frontage road at the 7200 West exit near the visitor information building on Wednesday, 12/08 (AlM).


This concludes the Utah Bird Report for Friday, December 10, 1999.

Observers: B&TC=Brad & Traci Clemens, KE=Keith Evans, DG=Dana Green, AlM=Alan Miller, AM=Ann Miller, JR=Jack Rensel, J&SS=Jeffery & Susan Saffle, DS=Dennis Shirley, M&MSm=Margaret & Michael Smith, VAS=V. Arnold Smith, MS=Mark Stackhouse, DW=David Wheeler

Please report your sightings by calling the Utah Birdline at: (801) 538-4730 or by e-mail to westwings@sisna.com

You may e-mail questions and comments to westwings@sisna.com or you may call (801) 487-9453.