More information to come (PDF)  




The annual fall UOS conference will be held this coming August 28 - 30, with field trips (choice of 3 trips) in the Salt Lake area on Friday, followed by an evening social. Research papers will be conducted on Saturday, the 29th, with more field trips on Sunday, the 30th. Birders will be able to get to 2 of the 3 trips. Conference Chairman Nathan Darnall has arranged for the Saturday sessions to be held in the Biology Building at the University of Utah; parking is close by and free of charge. Details of field trip starting locations will be forthcoming. Please put the event on your calendar so we can see you at the conference. There are plenty of nearby motels/hotels for those coming from way out of town. There are also numerous restaurants and eateries close to the University.

--Steve Carr
President, UOS


 Please mark these dates on your calendar and Watch for more information, coming soon on the UOS web site.

Conference Field Trip Schedule

   A choice of three field trips in the Salt Lake area will be offered on Friday.
   There will also be field trips on Sunday.
                         (Details to come)



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