June 2020
Monthly Meeting
Upcoming Field Trips
President's Message
Bird of the Month
Field Trip Reports
UCB Meetings continue to be postponed for now as we monitor
COVID-19 conditions and recommendations. We encourage everyone to go birding
while taking appropriate precautions and following current social distancing
guidance. We generally have field trips in place of meetings during the summer
and hope to continue with those and with our tradition of having a potluck for
our August meeting. We wish you healthy and happy birding!
In place of a meeting, you can introduce a new person (family
member or friend) to birding. You can choose a good day and a fun route.
Enjoy birding on your own, maintaining the social distancing and
guidelines issued by the governor of Utah.
Big Days for May: (Reports)
(There are a few more on our
Facebook Page)
- Machelle Johnson
- Lynn Garner
- Keeli Marvel
- Suzi Holt
- Yvonne Carter
- Tammy Linebaugh Northrup
- Jeremy Telford
President's Message -
June 2020
by Machelle Johnson
My big day was on Saturday May 9th.
I ended up with 67 species. I wanted to start at Hope Campground and bird
that area but when I got there the road was closed and the gate was locked. I
did see 8 species on Squaw Peak road: 2 Red-tail Hawks 'kiting' above the
road, Spotted Towhee, Woodhouse's Scrub Jay, American Robin, Black-headed
Grosbeak, Chipping Sparrow, Pine Siskin and Red-breasted Nuthatch.

Bullock's Oriole
by Terry Sadler
©Terry Sadler |
I stopped at Nun's Park and picked up an American
Dipper, Barn Swallow, Song Sparrow and Gray Catbird. On my way to Powell
lake I saw Turkey Vulture, American Goldfinch, Eurasion Collared Dove, Rock Pigeon and American Kestral. At
Powell Lake I saw American White Pelican, Franklin's Gull, Canada Goose,
California Gull, Mallard, Red-winged Blackbird, American Avocet, Killdeer,
Black-billed Magpie, Yellow Warbler, American Coot, Cinnamon Teal,
Yellow-headed Blackbird, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, White-faced Ibis,
Mourning Dove, Yellow-rumped Warbler, European Starling, Western Kingbird,
Spotted Sandpiper, Bullocks Oriole, Double-crested Cormorant, Eared Grebe,
Wilson's Phalarope, House Sparrow, House Finch; Great-tailed Grackle and pair
of Mexican Ducks, which are now considered a Mallard subspecies, so I didn't
count those. I ran into Keeli who said she started the day at the trail at the
north end of Utah Lake and got 40 species, so I went there and added Osprey,
Black-capped Chickadee, California Quail and Common Raven. At Lakeshore on
4000 West I added Black-necked Stilt, Redhead, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall,
Snowy Egret, Western Meadowlark, Long-billed Dowitcher, Western Sandpiper,
Greater Yellowlegs, Pied-billed Grebe and Western Tanager. I still needed
more for my day so I drove out to Goshen and added Swainson's Hawk,
White-crowned Sparrow, Golden Eagle, Willet and Brewer's Blackbird. I ended
at Lakeview Parkway and a bit of the Provo Airport Dike road with Sandhill
Crane, Tree Swallow and Violet-green Swallow. I birded from 7am to 3pm and
felt like I did more driving than birding. I shoulda planned that out
better. All in all it was a fun day of solitary birding, giving me a good
start to my Big Month in May.
Elephant Bird
by Sora Shirley
My report is about Elephant Birds. I
chose elephant birds since I love dinosaurs. Even though they aren’t dinosaurs
it is kind of like dinosaurs since they are extinct and we can learn about them
from studying their bones. And they are really cool.
They are the world’s largest bird. They lived in Madagascar until they
went extinct over 1000 years ago. They probably went extinct for a few reasons
like being hunted by humans and habitat loss. They weighed at least 1760 pounds
and were about 10 feet tall. They couldn’t fly, just like their closest
relatives the Ostrich and Kiwis (it was a Ratite too). They were discovered in
the 1800s. Some of the bones that were discovered were broken and had human tool
marks on them. Elephant birds were herbivores (that means they eat plants).
Their body structure makes it appear that they were most likely nocturnal. Their
eggs were about 12 inches tall, 28 inches around and weighed 3 pounds! |
Field Trip Reports
(There are a few more Big Day Reports on our
Facebook Page)
1st of May 2020
Big Day in May
by Lynn
I had decided to try for a Big Month of 120 species during May (Category 32
of the UCB Challenge), so on the first day of May I set out to see as many
birds as I could. The emphasis was on adding species to the month; I had
seen 99 species in April, so I decided to go first where I had recently
been. I was able to see 60 species that day (only one of which was a
FOY bird for me) and decided to make it the Big Day in May for the
new UCB Challenge (Category 37?). I also heard four species that I couldn’t
see that day: Marsh Wren, Sora, Virginia Rail, and Ring-necked Pheasant. The
outing took over 6 hours and 70 miles, all in Utah County.
Here are the places I visited and the new species I added at each place. The
number with each location is the total number of species seen there; only
the additional species are listed.

Caspian Tern
by John Crawley
Crawley |
My yard in Provo (6):
California Quail, Black-capped Chickadee, Cassin’s Finch, Pine Siskin, House
House Sparrow
McWane Marshes (9):
American Robin, Killdeer, Red-winged
Blackbird, Song Sparrow, Canada Goose, Cinnamon Teal,
Mallard, Western Kingbird, Bullock’s Oriole
Flow Serve Ponds (9):
Snowy Egret, Brewer’s Blackbird,
Great-tailed Grackle, Eurasian Collared Dove, Black-billed
Magpie, European Starling
Springville (2):
Barn Swallow, Western Meadowlark
East Bay (4):
Cliff Swallow, Tree Swallow, Caspian Tern
Airport Dike, west side (22):
Yellow-headed Blackbird, American Coot,
Turkey Vulture, Yellow Warbler, Double-crested
Cormorant, Pied-billed Grebe, Vesper
Sparrow, Forster’s Tern, Mourning Dove, American Whitez
Pelican, Western Grebe, Clark’s Grebe
Swede’s Lane (24):
Common Raven, White-faced Ibis, Red-tailed
Hawk, Prairie Falcon, American Kestrel, Northern
Rough-winged Swallow, Brown-headed Cowbird,
Great Blue Heron
Lakeshore (3):
Violet-green Swallow
4000 West (17):
American Avocet, California Gull,
Black-necked Stilt, Gadwall, Northern Shoveler
Lakeshore (7):
Swainson’s Hawk, Osprey, Redhead
Benjamin Slough (8):
Eared Grebe
Lincoln Point (12):
Sand Hill Crane, Willet, Northern Harrier
My Yard (5):
Black-chinned Hummingbird
9th of May 2020
Big Day in May
Keeli Marvel
May 9th I set out first thing in the morning to do a Big Day in my 5 Mile Radius
(within 5 miles of my home). My first stop from my neighborhood was the north
lake trail that runs along the north shore of Utah Lake. The Bullock’s Orioles
were chattering in the trees, the Yellow Warblers were singing, the Western
Tanagers had started trickling in and I picked up a surprise Black Phoebe that
flew over the trail. A fellow birder gave me intel on a Great Horned Owl nearby
and while checking out the owl I also heard a Red-breasted Nuthatch. After about
an hour and a half I’d picked up 41 total species and decided it was time to
move on to Powell Lake.
At Powell Lake I picked up a bunch more species including a Mexican duck male
that Machelle turned me on to, a bunch of Franklin’s Gulls, a flyover Caspian
Tern, a Common Yellowthroat singing by the river, and some Wilson’s Phalaropes
in the south pond.

Common Yellowthroat
by Paul Higgins
Higgins |
From there I moved on to the Jordan River trailhead at picked up an exciting
vagrant Harris’s Sparrow and a few other fun species including a Swainson’s
Hawk, White-crowned Sparrows, and Cliff Swallows nesting under the bridge. A
quick swing by the Smiths’s Marketplace parking lot on the way home for lunch
added Great-tailed Grackles to my list.
After a lunch break I headed down to the walking path along the lake shore in my
neighborhood and nabbed a few more fun species including a vagrant Northern
Waterthrush being skulky in the reeds along a marsh next to the trail and
Brewer’s Blackbirds.
I finished off the afternoon and my big day lists before dinner by driving up
the bottom of the Israel Canyon trailhead, picking up Horned Lark and a weirdly
out of place Pine Siskin. I was aiming for 100 species but a few odd misses
(like Great Blue Heron) left me happy with a solid 72 species for the day!
I had a great time trying to find as many species that close to home as
possible, and now I have a new goal for next time.
Happy Birding!
Keeli Marvel
14th of May 2020
Big Day in May
by Suzi

Right after the Short-eared Owl |
MAY 14th, 2020 BIG DAY!
With Amanda, Jessica, and Carol. We started at 7am and finished at 10pm! I
am exhausted! But it was fun! Here is a report from Ebird. I saw a few more
than the girls but we all got over 100 species!!

White-faced and Glossy Ibis |

Osprey |

Common Yellowthroat |
Location(s): 4000 West & Lake
Shore (Utah Co.); 4400 West 5200 South in Lakeshore (Utah Co); 53 Utah 198,
Santaquin, Utah, US (39.982, -111.767); Benjamin Slough; East Goshen Pond;
East Tintic Mountains; East Tintic Mountains--Dividend Rd.; Elberta Slant
Road; Goshen Canyon (Utah Co.); Goshen Canyon Road, Goshen, Utah, US
(39.932, -111.896); Goshen Cemetery; Goshen Reservoir ; Lincoln Beach Rd.;
Lincoln Beach--Boat Launch Area; Maple lake; Nebo Loop -- Camp Maple Dell;
River Lane; Sandhill Road, Goshen, Utah, US (39.919, -111.917); Spring Lake
; Summit Creek Number Two Reservoir; Utah Lake Wetland Preserve -- Goshen
Bay; Warm Springs WMA (Utah Co.); Yard List

awe, baby Killdeer |

so cute |

Snowy Plover |
Total # of Species:108 Canada Goose,
Cinnamon Teal, Gadwall, American Wigeon, Mallard, Northern Pintail,
Green-winged Teal, Redhead, California Quail, Ring-necked Pheasant,
Pied-billed Grebe, Eared Grebe, Clark's Grebe, Rock Pigeon, Eurasian
Collared-Dove, Mourning Dove, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Broad-tailed
Hummingbird, Virginia Rail, American Coot, Sandhill Crane, Black-necked
Stilt, American Avocet, Snowy Plover, Killdeer, Long-billed Curlew, Wilson's
Snipe, Wilson's Phalarope,

Savannah Sparrow |

Barn Owl |

Western Tanager |

Yellow-breasted Chat |

Great Horned Owlets |

Gray Vireo |
Spotted Sandpiper, Willet,
Franklin's Gull, Ring-billed Gull, California Gull, Caspian Tern,
Double-crested Cormorant, American White Pelican, Great Blue Heron, Snowy
Egret, Glossy Ibis, White-faced Ibis, Turkey Vulture, Osprey, Golden Eagle,
Northern Harrier, Cooper's Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Barn Owl,
Great Horned Owl, Burrowing Owl, Short-eared Owl, Northern Flicker, American

Canyon Wren |

Swainson's Hawk |

Loggerhead Shrike |

Brewer's Sparrow |

Warbling Vireo |

Geen-tailed Towhoo |
Gray Flycatcher, Dusky Flycatcher,
Western Kingbird, Gray Vireo, Plumbeous Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Loggerhead
Shrike, Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, Black-billed Magpie, Common Raven,
Black-capped Chickadee, Horned Lark, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Tree
Swallow, Bank Swallow, Barn Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet,
Red-breasted Nuthatch, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Rock Wren,

Black-throated Gray Warbler |

Gray Flycatcher |

Virginia's Warbler |

Plumbeous Vireo |

Pine siskin |

Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Canyon Wren, Bewick's Wren, European
Starling, American Robin, House Sparrow, House Finch, Pine Siskin, American
Goldfinch, Chipping Sparrow, Brewer's Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Dark-eyed
Junco, White-crowned Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Green-tailed Towhee, Spotted
Towhee, Yellow-breasted Chat,

Lark Sparrow |

Lazuli Bunting |
Yellow-headed Blackbird, Western
Meadowlark, Bullock's Oriole, Red-winged Blackbird, Brown-headed Cowbird,
Brewer's Blackbird, Great-tailed Grackle, Orange-crowned Warbler, Virginia's
Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warble,
Black-throated Gray Warbler, Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, Lazuli
15th of May 2020
Big Day in May
Yvonne Carter
This was a very different Utah County
Big Day---Missing my dear birding friends. I started out a number of years
ago, when I met Dennis Shirley, Milt Moody, and others at the Great Salt
Lake Bird Festival in Farmington. Two days after meeting fellow birders at
the Center and with a $10 pair of binoculars, I joined the group on the
traditional field trip that is always held on the last day of the festival
on Mondays. I have never missed any of the Utah County Big Day field trips
since then.
So as I started out my Big Day on May 15th, I was mentally reminiscing over
the years, the favorite hot-spots that the field leaders have taken us, like
the Salem Ponds, spots in Payson, Warm Springs WMA, Goshen ponds, Goshen
Canyon and the fields south and west of Goshen, Slant Road, and Dividend
Road. So with a large Coke, and classical music playing, I started out at a
somewhat relaxed pace.
Since I live in Highland at the very north end of the valley, I decided to
bird some different spots that I have found successful this Spring. I
started out at Powell Lake, and found the usual waterfowl, Pelicans, some
shorebirds, and a Black-capped Night Heron that I had been searching. From
there I checked the Pioneer Crossing Ponds, and guess what folks! I am
afraid that developments are affecting that area--very little water. So on
to 4000th West Lake Shore, meeting up with the Shirley family as Dennis was
hunting for the infamous Glossy Ibis. There was the usual waterfowls, the
usual shorebirds including Stilt Sandpipers, hundreds of Ibis, pelicans, and
I came up with over 30 species at that spot.

Snowy Plover
by Cliff Miles
©Cliff Miles |
And then on to Lincoln Beach, and Wow! a great assortment of shorebirds
including a Snowy Plover. And as well, Benjamin Slough, but it was quieter
that earlier in the Spring. And on to Warm Springs WMA, I looked for the
Blue Grosbeak but it hadn't arrived. Darn! but found other species there and
along toward Goshen Ocean for new species, and by that time the weather was
becoming really windy which I feel contributed to low numbers in Goshen
Canyon by 4 P.M. But the Golden Eagle was there on the favorite nest. It was
too late for Slant Road or Dividend Road--but that will be another day.
But I must say that there is a great value to be birding in a group, for
there are 10, 15, or 20 pairs of eyes instead of just my eyes. Also, I learn
so much from well experienced birders. Not only helping with identifying the
species, but sharing in stories and experiences in birding--the camaraderie
of what I consider a great group of people in love with this earth and its
My total was 65 species--I felt okay about it. When we have done the Utah
County Bird Day for the festival and with 15 or so people, our numbers have
been in the high 90's!
21st of May 2020
Big Day in May
by Tammy Linebaugh
I did my May Big Day on May 21,
2020. I chose to look for birds at Battlecreek Canyon, a favorite spot near
my home and a new spot- Redwood Road on the West Side of Utah Lake. I added
the birds I saw at both of these places with the birds I saw in my backyard
for a total of 34 species. Highlights of the day were seeing a Virginia's
Wabler (lifer) at Battlecreek and a Burrowing Owl on Redwood

Virginia's Warbler |

Burrowing Owl |
22nd of May 2020
Big Day in May
Jeremy Telford
My two oldest and I did our big day today. We set out at 3:20am and got back at
about 10:15pm. The birding spots were not hopping like they were when I
first planned my route so we only ended up with 85+ species (As soon as I am
sure about the empids it will be 88), but we had fun and I got two lifers
(Gray Vireo and Common Poorwill). The 50+ Purple Martins all sitting in one
tree was pretty cool too.

Three Telfords - mostly awake |

Common Poorwill |

Mallard Mutt |

Western Wood Pewee? |

Great Egret |

Wilson's Phalarope |

Western Kingbird |

American White Pelican |

Western Meadowlark |

Gray Vireo |

Rock Wren |

Black-throated Sparrow

Red-tailed Hawk |

Olive-sided Flycatcher |

Eared Grebes goin' courtin' |

Northern Rough-winged Swallow |

Purple Martins aplenty |

I had to make sure they weren't
starlings :-) |

Lazuli Bunting |

White-crowned Sparrow |

Dark-eyed Junco |

Yellow Warbler |

Red-naped Sapsucker |

Three Telfords - mostly asleep |