Utah County Birders Newsletter
October 2001


Wednesday, October 24.
Meet at 7:00 PM 
in the Bean Museum Auditorium
on the BYU Campus.

Jim Messinger will give us a presentation on Barn Owls

(He will be showing some films)


Saturday, November 17

Destination to be announced

Meet at 7:00 a.m. 
at the Provo Temple west parking lot.

Backyard Habitat
by Darlene Amott


Robin's View

by Robin Tuck

The American Avocets flocked up and migrated out. The Wilson's Phalaropes followed suit as did the White-faced Ibis. In fact, all of nature is right on track with the birds that are supposed to be going, going, and the birds that are supposed to be coming, coming. The only species in commotion is us Homo-sapiens. And things are mighty confused for us.
   People that we have given lots to over the years now hate us and have attacked our civilian population while we are trying to be careful to only target their military. Indeed things are hard to figure out so we sometimes sit glued to our TV waiting for the next tidbit of news. Among the many news casts I have heard recently was one that spoke out for hobbies. The message was that external interests would provide helpful relief from the horror being played out in the media.
   Out birding, we see that nature is working as it always has. The seasons are progressing and natural changes are occurring. Not that there isn't a surprise here and there and that some things are either early or late, or better or worse than expected. As a bird watcher, I am observant of the natural ebb and flow of nature around me and am comforted by the unseen hand that bears all nature up; and my faith and confidence is bolstered. Seek a quiet spot and watch the birds and see if your heart isn't a bit happier and your burden a little lighter. God is in his heaven and still in control. Things will work out.

A note from the Treasurer.


That is the plan for the newsletter subscriptions. First, we will pay $12.00 a year ($1 a month) to make easy calculations for a partial year’s subscription. Second, we will all pay during the month of January. To calculate your amount for the coming year, look at your address label for your own expiration date, then pay for the year 2002, plus or minus your expiration month. (At the same time, check your address label for any errors.) Your $12 helps support not only the newsletter that Eric prepares so beautifully, but it also pays for miscellaneous costs that arise occasionally. Furthermore, it is a voluntary offering of support for our organization. Remember, our policy is that meetings and field trips are open and free of cost to all who wish to participate. This is the kind of organization that I love!

Sylvia Cundick