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January 1997


Robin’s View
by Robin Tuck


This month's article, "Time," is found in the Robin's View section of this web site.


January Meeting

The January Meeting is the 1996 Centennial Birding Contest Awards Banquet, which will be held at the Orem Golden Corral, starting at 6:30 pm. Meals cost $6.39 each and everyone has to pay for their own. I thought I had reserved the Banquet rooms, but apparently I got off the phone without them thinking I has a reservation, so we will be in the North part of the dining hall. This will be inconvenient, but not a disaster.

Dr Clayton White, the Curator of birds at the Bean Museum, will speak to us for about a half hour, then will participate in handing out the awards.

I Have the patches in my possession and they are beautiful. The contest winners will be given a customized patch and may purchase a second patch for $4. Normal patches can be purchased in any number, also for $4 each.

Everyone is welcome to come to this meeting, not just the winners. And, please bring your spouse and any friends that might be interested. Since we are in the normal part of the dining room, we are not limited to a hundred like we were before.


Christmas Bird Count

On December 21, 60 birders braved the elements (which turned our to be in our favor) and spread out over the count circle and saw 105 species. This was the largest number of participants to date for the Provo CBC. The more spectacular birds included the Glaucous Gull, Northern Waterthrush, Snow Bunting, Pygmy Owl, Greater Scaup, Surf Scoter, Sandhill Crane, Winter Wren and Trumpeter Swan (with a bright pink wing). Thanks for your assistance.


Club Organization

The organizational and nominating committee chaired by Reed Hawkes has completed their work and will announce the new positions and officers at the January meeting.


1996 Centennial Birding Contest

The contest is over! 28 people completed the contest with another 3-4 almost to the mark. The response to this contest has been most gratifying. The following people have sent me their forms. If your name is not on this list and it should be, then call me quick.

Thank you for your participation.



This will be my last newsletter, the future newsletters will be produced by a group who has volunteered to do it. Look for a new look.

Robin Tuck
