Utah County Birders Newsletter
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March Meeting
Upcoming Field Trips
The Ever
Changing World of Utah Birds
Field Trip Report - Farmington Bay
Field Trip Report - Saw-whet in South Fork
Backyard Bird of the Month
February Hotline Highlights
March 10th, 2011
Darren Shirley "The Birding Tourist - Birding
adventures in a non birding family in Europe 2007-2010."
Meet at 7:00 PM in the Bean Museum Auditorium on the BYU Campus.
Utah County Big Month
A Utah County Big Month in March will be
just what we need to get over winter cabin fever.. These trips may change based
on weather and what's around. Let's get everyone involved and have another good
time as a club.
March 1 (Tues.) 8:00am- 12:00pm -
Lower Provo River, Skipper Bay, Utah Lake State Park.
Meet at Provo River bridge just before entering Utah Lake State Park. Target
birds - Snow Geese, Wood Duck, Northern Shrike.
March 5 (Sat.) 8:00am - 12:00pm - Benjamin
Slough, Lincoln Point, West Mt. Meet at Payson Walmart. Bald Eagle,
Sandhill Crane, Chukar
March 9 (Wed.) 8:00am - 12:00pm - Daimond Fork
Canyon. Meet at the Little Acorn, mouth of Spanish Fork Canyon. No.
Pygmy Owl, Golden Eagle
March 11 (Fri.) 8:00am-12:00pm - Provo Canyon,
Sundance. Meet at Provo River Walkway Trail behind Chevron Station,
mouth of Provo Canyon. Dipper, Cassin's Finch.
March 12 (Sat.) 8:00am-12:00pm - Santaquin
foothills. Meet at Payson Walmart. Wild Turkey, Barn Owl, Cooper's
and Sharp-shinned Hawk.
March 15 (Tues.) 8:00am-12:00pm - Goshen, Goshen
Canyon. Meet Payson Walmart. Pinyon Jay, Rock Wren, Great Horned Owl
March 19 (Sat.) 8:00am-12:00pm - Tintic
Mts. Meet at Payson Walmart. Juniper Titmouse, Long-eared Owl,
March 22 (Tues.) 8:00am - 12:00pm - Mosida,
Chimney Rock Pass. Meet at Payson Walmart. Ferrugious Hawk, Prarie
Falcon, Sage Sparrow.
March 26 (Sat.) 8:00am-12:00pm - American Fork
Canyon. Meet at parking lot mouth of canyon. Golden-crowned Kinglet,
Clark's Nutcracker, Steller's Jay
March 31 (Thu) 8:00am-12:00pm - Mop Up! Go after
those species we've missed during month. Possible Owl prowl in
evening for screech and saw-whet owls.
We are actively recruiting people to lead local half-day field trips, any time,
any place. If you would like to lead a field trip or if you have any ideas for
this year’s field trips, please contact Keeli Marvel at -
The Ever Changing World
of Utah Birds
by Bryan Shirley, UCB President
Not too long ago somebody posted on birdtalk about an old Utah bird book that he/she had found. That got me thinking about how the bird life in Utah may have changed over the years. I pulled out the oldest bird book I have – Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs - Birds of Utah published in 1976 by BYU. I know that to a few members of our club 1976 isn’t that long ago, but that is a long time ago to some of us!
Birds Of Utah starts out by giving some of the historical information written by early explorers and settlers. Utah Lake and the Great Salt Lake were both said to hold “millions” of ducks. One hunter reported killing 125-150 a day at Skipper’s Bay, but he quit in 1898 because there weren’t as many ducks as there used to be. About that same time there was a bounty placed on herons, pelicans, cormorants, and other fish eating birds. Somewhere west of Utah Lake there was a colony of waterbirds that was estimated to be 3-4miles long and a mile wide with birds roosting in the junipers – approximately 100,000 birds. A few hunters killed 1,290 birds in one night, mostly with sticks. They were paid $129 for their work. Apparently the Fish and Game even furnished ammo to hunters to kill pelicans and other fish-eating birds until the 1930s! Needless to say the colony and others around the lake didn’t last.
After the historical information the book goes through every species in the state and talks about the distribution and abundance. A lot has changed in the 35 years since it was written. Some species, like the osprey and peregrine, are doing better today. Most aren’t. Here are some of the ones I thought were interesting:
Common Loon – used to be a very common migrant on Utah Lake.
Bobwhite – released in about 1871 and did well for a while, but declined due to hunting pressure.
Franklin’s Gull – Apparently originally was on the plains, but moved west into Utah, possibly about 1904. First recorded breeding at Bear River in 1916.
Veery – Abundant breeder along the Provo River in the 1860’s. In the 1970s apparently still around, but not very common.
Bobolink – Common breeder in SL and UT valley, but declining in the last 10 years (remember this was written in 1976).
Mountain Bluebird – Used to be common in the valleys as well as the mountains.
Summer Tanager – Not recorded in Utah until 1962. Then they expanded their range 20 miles up the beaver Dam Slope.
Brown Thrasher – occasionally may have bred in the state. Still was rare, but apparently a lot more common than now.
Peregrine Falcon – Very rare and in “grave danger” of extermination.
European Starling – Arrived in Utah as a wintering species in the 1930’s (first collected in Feb 1939 by the U of U). First nesting record was 1949. Anybody here remember that joyous occasion??!
This article isn’t supposed to be about habitat loss or conservation issues, but just about the historical changes to our areas. It does make you wonder what other changes we’ll see in the future though. Somebody just starting birding today wouldn’t even know that Eurasian Collared-Doves arrived in Utah just a few years ago. Maybe someday there will be a 100,000 herons roosting by Goshen. Will Bobolink in Utah make it, or will they be like the Veery and become a thing of the past? What will be the next species to move in and stay? It will be interesting to see what the 2050 edition of Utah Birds has to say.
No article this month.
If you would like to write an article for the Bird of the Month, please contact Oliver Hansen -- 801-378-4771 - byucactus@gmail.com .
Click here for past 'Birds of the Month'.
Trip Report
Farmington Bay - 5 February 2011
by Eric Huish
Bald Eagle,
Farmington Bay - 5 Feb 2011 |
Gull, Farmington
Bay - 5 Feb 2011 |
This UCB Field Trip, led by Bryan
Shirley, had a great turn out with many carloads of birders enjoying a great day
of Birding at Farmington Bay. Highlights were close views of many Bald Eagles
and some rare gulls. Western, Glaucous and Lesser Black-backed
Gulls were lifers for many in the group.
Here is our list of birds - Number of species: 31
Canada Goose 18
Tundra Swan 26
Mallard 1
Northern Shoveler 500
Northern Pintail 10
Redhead 3
Common Merganser 3
duck sp. 40
Pied-billed Grebe 4
Great Blue Heron 3
Bald Eagle 100
Northern Harrier 4
American Kestrel 3
American Coot 1
Greater Yellowlegs 7
Lesser Yellowlegs 1
dowitcher sp. 1
Ring-billed Gull 300
Western Gull 1
California Gull 50
Herring Gull 300
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1
Glaucous Gull 1
gull sp. 1000
Eurasian Collared-Dove 2
Common Raven 3
Marsh Wren 1
European Starling 12
Song Sparrow 2
White-crowned Sparrow 30
Red-winged Blackbird 33
Western Meadowlark 1
House Sparrow 5
Trip Report
Singing Saw-whet Owl in South Fork - 15 February 2011
by Eric Huish
On Feb 15th, a Tuesday night, 12 birders met for a UCB Field Trip up South Fork
Canyon. Our target bird was a Northern Saw-whet Owl. The moon was bright, the
night was calm and it was relatively warm for mid February. At our first stop,
as soon as we got out of the cars, we could hear Great Horned Owls
calling from up on the hillside and a Saw-whet Owl calling down the road.
We walked down the road following the Saw-whet's song. When we got close we
played a call for a moment to get it to come out of the brush. Everyone got
great views of the bird perched on a branch, then perched on a higher branch,
then flying through the woods. We got to listen to it very closely for several
minutes before we saw it.
We made a few more stops in the canyon, including where the Pygmy-Owl was seen a
few times last month, but didn't hear any more owls (maybe a possible distant
Saw-whet at one point). On our way down the canyon we stopped again at our first
stop, it was quiet there too. The owls must have finished singing and gone
Trip Participants - Eric Huish, Junece Markham, Eric Peterson, Douglas Mead,
Eric Chase (and friend), Kyle Palizzi, Milton Moody, Tuula Rose, Leena Rodgers,
Danny Nelson (and wife).
February 2011
Reed Stone - Provo
Female Red-Breasted Merganser #132 on my yard list. Keep counting.
Carol Nelson - Provo
Last months Wood Ducks and female Hooded Merganser have been on
the pond off and on for some weeks. Also, a Great-Blue Heron and a
little Brown Creeper made their appearances for a couple of days.
February was a great month for birds!
Milt Moody - Provo
After being away for a while, a Spotted Towhee returned to my yard -- a
welcomed sight!
Eric Huish - Pleasant
Northern Shrike - sitting at the very top of a tall tree.
Steve Carr - Holladay
Northern Flicker - 3 of them at the suet, peanuts, and peanut butter.
Alton Thygerson - Provo
Western Scrub Jays Up to four come in for a peanut lunch.
Yvonne Carter - Highland
We have a resident Northern Flicker along with a Hairy Woodpecker,
Juncos of course, Chickadees, Eurasian Collared-Doves, and
Dennis Shirley - Elk Ridge
Am watching 5 Eurasian Collared-Doves at my cracked corn feeder as I'm
typing this.
2011 Dues
Thanks to all who have supported us in the past. If you are interested in officially joining us this year, make out a check to Utah County Birders for $15.00 and mail it to:
Carol Nelson
2831 Marrcrest West
Provo, Utah 84604
You will be helping to support the web page and we will send you a copy of the newsletter.