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Butterfield Canyon

Here are some of the more noteworthy Salt Lake County birds that Tim Avery and I saw in Butterfield Canyon in southwestern SL county yesterday...

Wild Turkey - 1 in a field near the bottom of the canyon
Cordilleran Flycatcher - several singing along the creek and in the aspens up at the pass
Dusky Flycatcher - heard one down low, but then several were calling up at the pass
Plumbeous Vireo - a couple were singing low in the canyon in the decidious trees along the creek
Juniper Titmouse - 1 seen in the juniper/decidious habitat
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 1 singing just to the south of the pass
Mountain Bluebird - 1 female near the base of the canyon
Virginia's Warbler - common in the oaks low in the canyon
Black-throated Gray Warbler - 1 male seen in the same location as the titmouse
Green-tailed Towhee - several calling on the south facing slope just to the north of the pass
Savannah Sparrow - Tim had one near the base of the canyon
Fox Sparrow - 1 singing just to the south of the pass
Lesser Goldfinch - 1 bird calling at the small pond that's part way up the canyon

Also, a Double-crested Cormorant, Black-crowned Night-Heron and a Forster's Tern were using the pond at the 2100 S exit off of I-15 northbound.


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