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Dixie Birders out n' about

    The Dixie Birders stayed in town today, startin' with breakfast at 
the Wagon Wheel fer grits, cackleberries  and flapjacks.  Mighty good 
way to start!. Then, off we went to the Red Hills Golf Course fer some 
birdin' and here's what we saw: Bushtit, Verdin, A. Kestrel, A. Robin, 
N. Mockingbird, N. Flicker (red-shafted), G. Quail, RC Kinglet, WC 
Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow (1st winter), Lincoln Sparrow (1 adult, 
1 1st winter) H. Sparrow, Song Sparrow, H. Finch, Lesser Goldfinch, E. 
Starling, Bewick's Wren, Spotted Towhee, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Wilson's 
Snipe, Rock Wren and M. Dove.
    Still full of grits, as the say'n goes, we wondered over to the 
Stone Bridge and Sun Brook golf courses fer a squint at the ponds. Sure 
nuf thar were some feathered critters about; Mallard, A. Coot, 
Ring-necked Duck, PB Grebe, Ruddy Duck, GB Heron,C. Raven, H. Finch, 
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Great Egret, Belted Kingfisher, Say's Phoebe and A. 
    "Why stop here?" says we, so on we goes to the Tonaquint Nature 
Center.  Interestin' stuff goin' on thar.  The town folk's are a cuttin' 
down the Tamarisk an the beavers are a cuttin' down the cottonwoods and 
willows! Purty soon, no trees. Probly no birds neither but, today thar 
was; Lesser Goldfinch, N. Flicker, G. Quail, Mallard, Abert's Towhee, 
Song Sparrow, WC Sparrow, RC Kinglet, Verdin, N. Mockingbird, Crissal 
Thrasher and American Goldfinch.
    Yep, that 'bout does 'er fer now, y'all.

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