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Rock Wrens

March 18, 2005:  Santa Clara Preserve:  Marilyn Davis and friends Matt,
Jason, & Nick from Ogden:  This morning my young friends and I went past
Ivins and through the gateway of three rocks stacked on each other
(future Santa Clara Preserve) on the south side of Old 91 road.  This
takes you right to the flood-washed Santa Clara.  How things have
changed!!  The river washed away the metal gate and most of the soil
leading to private holdings. However, the BLM parking lot was still
there.  We parked and hiked up the trail from there to see the
pictographs.  The first 200 yards was filled with Spring-struck birds
singing their hearts out.  Rock Wrens were everywhere.  Black-throated
Sparrows were loudest of all.  We looked for the Albino Roadrunner but
never saw it.  He hides among the white bee boxes.  A graceful Turkey
Vulcher flew overhead.  Looking down on the river, it was as though
someone had just finished their Spring cleaning and left a lot of
driftwood in stacks along the way.  A Coyote came in view and then hid
in the rocks.  What a wonderful place to be this time of year.  Tiny
flowers covered the ground in lots of places.  Flowers of blue, purple,
yellow, white, and yes, one red Indian Paintbrush.   It was a
spectacular trip.


"Red Cliffs" web site: http://www.xmission.com/~cldavis/
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