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Blue Jay and Scoters

Hello Everyone,
I apologize for this post being a day late.  Thursday morning (11/11 @ 7:30)
the Blue Jay was along the Virgin River just north (upstream) from the
Springdale Pond.  It was hanging out with a raucous pack of 10-12 Steller's
Jays.  It was again very vocal.....I only saw it briefly, but I heard it for
20 minutes or so.

Also there was an adult male Surf Scoter at Quail Creek State Park on
Wednesday and Thursday (11/10 and 11/11), and the female Black Scoter is
remaining below the South(west) dike at Sand Hollow SP.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, Megan Morvilius and I saw a parakeet or small
parrot of some sort flying along the Virgin River below Pah Tempe in
Hurricane on Tuesday night (11/9 @ 6:00p). It was too dark to tell much
about it, so I'd be very interested if anyone else sees it.

Best Regards,

Rick Fridell,
Hurricane Ut


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