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Wood Ducks, Dippers, etc.

Several good birds seen in the county lately while I've been out "working."
Dan Nonne and I saw an American Dipper at Moody Creek north of Gunlock Reservoir today (Nov 4).
At Grafton today, we saw a pair of White-breasted Nuthatches, and then with Jen Bryant saw at least 6 Wood Ducks at Wilson's Pond in La Verkin.
Yesterday, Cameron Rognan and I saw the Greater White-fronted Goose, a Canvasback, and a Great Egret at the Springs Park Pond in Washington Fields.
Monday, Dan, Tami Clayton, and I saw another American Dipper on the Virgin River just upstream from the La Verkin Creek confluence.
Last week, Dan and I saw a pair of Vermilion Flycatchers at the pond at the Bloomington Golf Course pond.
Plenty of good birds to see!

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