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RE: Sand Hollow SP Shorebirds 4/23

Hi Rick!
What a great evening!  I hope it wasn't windy either.  It looks like this
weekend will be Chaco weather.  Steve is visiting his parents and brother in
Leucadia this weekend. He left Wednesday evening and will be driving home
tomorrow.  I was thinking of coming down to take a look at the reservoir
tomorrow and calling him to see if we could meet in St. George for dinner.
He might be getting home earlier than dinner - I don't know yet.  
Anyway, I'll keep you posted.  Steve has the cell phone.  
Have a great day today!

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Fridell [mailto:rfridell@redrock.net] 
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 8:36 PM
To: RC Birdnet
Cc: Summers
Subject: Sand Hollow SP Shorebirds 4/23

Finally, Kristen and I got out to do some birding this evening (4/23) and
visited Sand Hollow SP. We were rewarded with some great shorebirds, gulls,
and terns.  We saw four Black-bellied Plovers in breeding plumage, two
Sanderlings, ~15 Western Sandpipers, 250-300 Marbled Godwits, 3 American
Avocets, 9 White-faced Ibis, 4 Caspian Terns, 3 Forster's Terns, 12
Franklin's Gulls, ~25 Cal. Gulls, and ~20 Ringbilled Gulls.

Best Regards,

Rick Fridell
Hurricane, UT


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