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Kori Bustard, Red-winged Starling

Hey all -
Pam and I got to Africa yesterday. It's great. Rained all night.
First birds in Africa were red-winged starlings at the airport, also saw ostriches and Kori bustard and lilac-breasted rollers, Superb Starlings, and Helmeted guineafowl on the way to Tanzania.
We were in London for the better part of two days - saw 39 species there, including smew, european robin, great crested grebe, carrion crow, common wood-pigeon, long-tailed tits, blue tit, great tit, black-headed and European Herring gulls, European Magpie, Lots of tame common morehens, Eurasian coot, great cormorant, lots more. Didn't see a single house sparrow!!! Also saw lots of old buildings.
Planning to go into the National Parks on safari starting Saturday, should see lots more african wildlife then.
Having a swell time - hope you all are jealous.

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