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Re: [BirdTalk] Red Cliffs Audubon November Field Trip

If you lost a black pentex bino case on the Sat. let me know.  We can work
on getting it back to you
Thanks to all for a great day!

Jan Passek

----- Original Message -----
From: "William J. Hunter" <dixiewili@redrock.net>
To: "RC Audubon" <redcliffs@utahbirds.org>
Cc: "Utah's Birdtalk" <birdtalk@utahbirds.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 10:34 PM
Subject: Red Cliffs Audubon November Field Trip

> Saturday, 17 members of Red Cliffs Audubon, birders all, birded within the
> confines of St. George. We started at Confluence Park, at the junction of
> the Santa Clara and Virgin Rivers. We walked the City Trail System
> (equivalent to the Jordan Parkway Trail System in SL County) following the
> Virgin River Trail around and under I-15 for about a mile.
> 30 species were seen, highlights included:
> Cooper's Hawk
> Ladder-backed Woodpecker
> Say's Phoebe
> Juniper Titmouse
> Rock Wren
> Canyon Wren
> Bewick's Wren
> Crissal Thrasher
> Spotted Towhee
> Abert's Towhee
> Golden-crowned Sparrow.
> After leaving that area, we drove west on Sunset Blvd. to Halfway Wash.
> we parked at the Dixie Sunset Plaza and dropped down on to the Halfway
> Trail. Beginning where the Clapper Rail was seen earlier, we birded both
> north and south of that spot.
> I left the group around 1PM. At that time we had seen about 14 species.
> Highlights were:
> Gambel's Quail
> Bushtit
> Sharp-shinned Hawk
> Bewick's Wren
> Marsh Wren
> The fall color was at it's peak with the golden Tamarisk and bright
> yellow-gold Cottonwoods along the "creeks". Water was flowing in all. and
> today it rained all day. The Northern Shoveler in my back yard just loved
> it... so did we.
> Can it get any better?
> Bill Hunter
> St. George
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