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Red-throated Loon, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,Golden-crowned Sparrow

Today in Washington County at Lytle Ranch I saw a brownish plumaged first winter Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. It was in the orchard along with a male Williamson's Sapsucker and a couple of Red-naped Sapsuckers. At Gunlock Res. I saw in flight and at distance what appeared to be a Red-throated loon ( I didn't have a scope). I contacted Rick Fridell and he met me there at about 5:00 PM and we were able to confirm that it was an adult Red-throated Loon molting into basic plumage. Earlier in the afternoon I also saw a immature Golden-crowned Sparrow above Gunlock Res. Tonight as it was starting to get dark at Gunlock Rick and I watched 11 Tundra Swans come in and land on the Res. That really topped of a great day of birding.

Larry Tripp

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