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WW Scoter remaining at Sand Hollow

Yesterday (2/1), Larry Tripp and I birded around the Quail Creek area.  At
least one Horned Grebe is continuing on Quail Creek Reservoir (usually in
the boat ramp area).  We counted at least 12 Greater Scaup at Stratton Pond,
and the female White-winged Scoter is still at Sand Hollow (usually with a
few Lesser Scaup).  We also made a quick run through Charlie's neighborhood
in Leeds and saw two male Anna's Hummingbirds flying around the area.

Today (2/2), Kristen and I stayed home (rebuilding our blown down fence) and
picked up some yard birds when a flock of 31 Canada Geese, 4 Snow Geese, and
3 Ross's Geese flew over the yard.  A while later, another flock of 21
Canada Geese flew by as well.  These geese are probably somewhere in the
Quail Creek/ SR-9 Sewer Ponds/ Stratton Pond/Sand Hollow area.

Best Regards,
Rick Fridell
Hurricane UT


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