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Surf Scoters at Gunlock Reservoir

This evening (10/22)at 6:00 pm,  there were two adult female Surf Scoters at
Gunlock Reservoir, Washington Co. UT.  The Scoters were at the north end
(inflow end) of the reservoir diving along the shore opposite the overlook
parking area.  There were not many ducks (2 Pintail, 5 Wigeon, 3 GW Teal)
present, but a scope is helpful due to the distance. There have been many
recent scoter observations at inland areas (Owens Valley CA, Henderson NV,
central AZ, four corners area, etc.).  It looks like it might be a good fall
for sea ducks at interior locations, so get out and check your favorite
diving duck hangouts.

Best Regards,

Rick Fridell,
Hurricane, UT


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