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Fw: [Fwd: Seabirds - strange happenings....]]

----- Original Message ----- From: "Karen Eason" <Karen.Eason@noaa.gov>
To: <nmeason@preciscom.net>; "Chris Mobley" <Chris.Mobley@noaa.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 2:36 PM
Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Seabirds - strange happenings....]]

Thought you might find this interesting...


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Fwd: Seabirds - strange happenings....]
Resent-From: nccos.all@noaa.gov, nos.ccma.staff@noaa.gov, nos.ccma.bafb@noaa.gov
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 12:48:11 -0400
From: Tracy Gill <Tracy.Gill@noaa.gov>
Reply-To: Tracy.Gill@noaa.gov
To: _NOS NCCOS ALL <nccos.all@noaa.gov>

FYI . . .

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [pacificseabirds] strange happenings....
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 11:36:12 -0800
From: Verena_Gill@fws.gov
Reply-To: Verena_Gill@fws.gov
To: CC: PacificSeabirds@lists.fws.gov

Message to PSG members:

You are probably aware of strange things happening with seabirds recently.
Seabirds are dying and washing ashore in unusually high numbers from BC to
California on the west Coast, and from Maryland to Florida on the east
coast. Birds have either abandoned breeding efforts or exhibited very
unusual behavior at Farallon, Tatoosh, Triangle and Pribilof islands to
name a few.

Here are some news sites:

Seabirds are indicating something, the full extent of which is unknown yet.
Seems like a good opportunity to use seabirds as indicators on a large
scale, and see what they are saying.

It would be useful if folks report sightings of dead birds, unusual
behavior, unusual biology, to local contacts (below). In the fall, we will
pull this together into a report and present at PSG symposium on Seabirds
as Indicators of the Marine Environment.

Please send a brief report of any unusual observations to these folks in
your area:
Lisa Ballance - C. Pac, S.CA,  Lisa.Ballance@noaa.gov
Bill Sydeman - C/N CA wjsydeman@prbo.org
Dan Roby - OR  robyd@ucs.orst.edu
Julia Parrish - WA  jparrish@u.washington.edu
Mark Hipfner -BC   mark.hipfner@ec.gc.ca
Vern Byrd, David Irons - AK,  David_Irons@fws.gov   Vernon_Byrd@fws.gov
John Piatt - Atlantic US/Canada - john_piatt@usgs.gov

John F. Piatt, Ph.D., Research Wildlife Biologist
USGS Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska  &
Affiliate Professor, School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
~~~Current Mailing Address and Contact Info~~~
Marrowstone Marine Station, 616 Marrowstone Point Rd.
Nordland WA  98358-9633  Fax: 360 385-7207
Phone:  (1st) 360-774-0516   (2nd) 360-385-1007 ext 224
email: John_Piatt@usgs.gov   or   jfpiatt@puffins.us

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