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Lek photos

Terry Sadler, Dan White, and myself visited the Greater Sage Grouse lek between Hennefer and East Canyon early this morning. Somehow, we lucked out and got there between storms. We were the only people there, so we got some great photo ops. We stayed in the car, using it as a blind and not wanting to disturb the birds. Within a few minutes, the birds forgot we were there. For photos, please visit my website at:
Other interesting bird sitings included around 10 Common Loons on East Canyon Reservoir, a flotilla of Common Merganzers in the river at the West Hennefer exit, and a Great Blue Heron rookery previously alluded to by Tim Gorman around Milepost 113.
My website describes how to get to the lek, if you don't know already. Brian Currie's earlier post gives even a better description.
Jim Bailey
2032 Ribbon Lane
Holladay, UT 84117
(801) 274-8034
A  hobby must be in a large degree useless, inefficient, laborious or
irrelevant -Aldo Leopold