Bob Huntington and I started the day by finding the Bohemian Waxwings in
Bountiful that were reported by the Summerfelds. (10:00 AM)
We then went to Alta at the upper bridge on the bypass road and found Pine
Siskins, Mountain Chickadees, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Clark's Nutcrackers,
Steller's Jays, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches, and one Black Rosy-Finch (a lifer for
me). (11:30 AM)
The rest of the day was mostly a Sunday drive. We did not see much out of
the ordinary except for a couple of almost pure white birds with a flock of
House Sparrows. They were near the Pepsi plant south of East Bay in Provo. We
thought the first one we saw was an albino, but got a better look and later saw
two. Bob said they had a black crown. We figured when we saw the second one that
they were escapees.
Jack Binch