Judy & I birded the causeway and Kaysville
ponds today, based on posts from Leslie and Carol.
We saw the Oldsquaw (lifer!), a few Ruddy Ducks,
lots of Buffleheads, and Common Goldeneyes (all female) at the first bridge from
the island on the north side of the causeway, as Leslie had directed. The rest
of the causeway was slow.
We then visited the Kaysville ponds (never been
there before), where we observed a fine collection of colorfully plumaged
ducks. There were several handsome male Hooded Merganzers, a number of Common
Goldeneyes (male), scaups, domestic geese, Canada Geese, Buffleheads, and a
substantial number of male Mallards in stunning plumage.
Thanks, Carol and Leslie,