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BARROW's GOLDENEYE on Jordan River

Well it is official, winter must be here.  This morning I located 2 Barrow's
Goldeneye along the Jordan River between 2100 South and 2300 South.  There were
at least 25 Common Goldeneye today (compared, to one Common Goldeney yesterday)
along with the Barrow's (1 male and 1 female).  The birds moved between the
21st south freeway and the Decker Lake Canal.  They were extremly jumpy, being
early in the season on the river, they probably haven't seen much human
activity.  Last year I was able to walk within 15 feet of many Barrow's
Goldeney in the same spot, only it was the first week of January.  Give it a
month and they will be more tahn willing to sit and pose.

On another note, the 2 SNOW GEESE were still at Decker lake, along with no less
than 6 CACKLING GEESE and nearly 1,500 Canada Geese (both Lesser and Great
Basin).  Also present today were many Northern Shoveler, Green-winged Teal, and
one brilliant male COMMON MERGANSER.

Now that the birding is out of the way for the day, I might try to find a Turkey
somewher in the kitchen...

Good Birding


Salt Lake City, UT or Beloit, WI


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