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MacGillivray's Warbler at Tony Grove Lake

Hi all
I haven't posted in a while for various reasons, mostly lack of time.  Today, Jill, Kirsten and I went to Tony Grove Lake for Jill and I to bird and for Kirsten, our granddaughter, to frolic, which she does as well as any other 5 year old. 
This was our third attempt to bird at Tony Grove.  The other two times the road was closed due to snow blocking the road.  Anyway, we made it today, and it was well worth the wait. 
We saw about 23 species in the time we were there, with the highlights being a male MacGillivray's warbler and a male Red-naped Sapsucker.  Both might not be "special" birds, but both were only the second sightings of each for me.  The MacGillivray's was a lifer for Jill.
My first MacGillivray's was an immature male I had during migration last September while we were still in San Antonio.  Our first Red-naped Sapsucker was seen by us when we were birding with Eric Brierly and Sheridan Coffee of the San Antonio Audubon Society last December in the Davis Mountains in Texas.  Those were good findings, but I think that these were both more special because we found them ourselves.
We've both finally broken 400 for our life lists.  Jill is up to 409 and I am at 403.  Her 400th was a Ruffed Grouse, which we heard in Green Canyon on the 19th of May.  My 400th was a Plumbeous Vireo, which we saw on the 6th of June, also at Green Canyon.  We were camping there, and shortly after I wandered off, and found my first Virginia's Warbler.  Jill didn't see it, so we went back there on the 21st, and on the next day, we were able to find Jill her first Virginia's Warbler.
Good birding,