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Antelope Sequel

Glenn Barlow and I hit Antelope Island today and saw the birds reported yesterday and a few other species.  Of note is the difference in the number of Western Sandpipers between the two days.  Yesterday, I saw about 20.  Today, we saw hundreds.  We found them on the north side of the Causeway, primarily from about mm 4 to 2.  We also saw a lone Black-bellied Plover in half n' half plumage on the north side of the Causeway on the first bend as you head west, between mm 4 and 3.  On the return trip in the afternoon, hundreds of birds were concentrated on the rocky spit that stretches out toward Fremont Island at mile 1 1/2.  We saw three species of small shorebirds there--Sanderlings, the Western Sandpipers, and 7 Dunlins.  Two Horned Grebes circulated among the Eared Grebes on the south side of the bridge at mm 1 and toward the island.  We got good looks at 5 Marbled Godwits poking along the shore just as you turn south off the Causeway and head toward Garr Ranch.  We viewed the godwits and several other species of waterfowl and water birds from the wide pullout favored by riding outfitters.  
Garr Ranch is still pretty quiet.  The most remarkable birds there were Yellow-rumped Warblers (in beautiful, fresh, startling plumage--all were Audubon's) and Ruby-crowned Kinglets as reported yesterday. 
If you bird in the area of the Visitor's Center and especially the Bison Burger joint, be aware that stinging gnats had a heyday today on human flesh.  I doubt you could cover up enough to keep them out of your clothes.  Wear full body armor. 