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Fwd: Acorn Woodpecker, 8-4-03

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----Original Message Follows----
It was submitted by Julie on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 at 08:42:51

Subject: Acorn Woodpecker, 8-4-03


Message: Pomera and I birded in Garfield and Wayne counties Monday and Tuesday. We got the Acorn Woodpecker just north of Boulder in the same location between mm 93-94 (I think the numbers are correct). We saw some neat birds but nothing spectacular. At Lower Bowns Reservoir area we saw some beautiful Black-throated Gray Warblers; Juniper Titmouse, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Say's Phoebe, Virginia's Warbler were around also. We heard Sora in the Bicknell Bottoms. On the way down we stopped at Heppler Pond (thanks for directions Kathy and Joel) in the Richfield area which also produced an audible on Sora, but we never saw the Common Mooorhens the Beyer's found; we did hear something that sounded like the moorhen, though--just not sure. A Yellow-breasted Chat was along the river in Capital Reef.

Good birding y'all,

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