----- Original Message -----
From: Robert
To: Bird Talk
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:12 PM
Subject: Am. Bittern, Eur. Collared Doves Thanks to Kathy Paulin and Eric Huish I was able to
add the above birds to my UT list on my recent venture into UT, primarily for a
BBS survey in the Vernal area. Kathy's detailed directions to the doves along
US40 in Jensen yielded a courting pair of these birds on 6/15. Because my auto
tour excursion
at Ouray NWR on 6/15 failed to produce the
bittern, I decided to give it another shot on 6/16 after the BBS. Biologist Dan
Alonzo at Ouray assured me I would have at least a 50% chance of seeing/hearing
one even at midday. With instructions to go to Unit S-1, the area immediately NE
of the observation tower, I was soon back at the refuge. A walk to the east
along the gravel road to the cottonwood row produced only ducks. As I was
pondering what to do next, I glanced ahead and slightly right to see the bittern
in characteristic pose. This bird had eluded me at least 4 previous visits to
the refuge.
Bob Bradley
Grand Junction, CO