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Fwd: Antelope area 5-15-03

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----Original Message Follows---
It was submitted by Julie on Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 21:23:07

Subject: Antelope area 5-15-03


Message: Pomera and I birded the causeway and the ranch today, saw some great birds and had some fun observations. Lots of Black-bellied Plover were on the south side near the entrance station, but unexpected numbers of Red-necked Phalaropes were on the north side just west of the station--I'd hazard a guess at about a thousand--no exaggeration! I've never even heard of that many Red-neced Phalaropes in Utah ever; I wondered if that storm system that came through last night put them down--sort of a fall-out. Anyway, it was great seeing that many, and hundreds were very close to the shoreline, and many more further out; they looked like an island out there...but it was birds! Oh, yes, there were two Barn Owls in the barn before the entrance.

Thousands (I'd say 3 to 5) of Sanderlings were all along the north side and a fair number more on the south side (concentrations near MMs 2-3, but look everywhere). We got to watch them fly and it looked like points of stars when they were close and confetti when they turned and were further out. Their precision flying is outstanding to watch--and the sound was so marvelous, their calls and the sound of their wings as the whole body swooped and swirled. When they came down, we clocked a half mile strtch along the shore that was just teeming with them. Pretty spectacular. Two Dunlin and a couple of Wilson's Phalaropes were mixed in with them. Long-billed Dowitchers were at the marina.

At the ranch we saw a Northern Waterthrush (just east of the springhouse along the "creek.") There were also several Hermit Thrush, McGillivray's, Wilson's, and Orange-crowned Warblers, a Dusky Flycatcher, and an Eastern Kingbird.

We went to Jefferson Hunt CG at Pineview Reservoir but it wasn't too birdy- heard cranes, some Yellow Warblers, Black-headed Grosbeak.

Tonight we got the Least Tern, thanks to Dana--she called to let us know about it. I left at 6:30 and it was still there, Thanks, Bruce, for spending your lunchtime birding!!

Good birding y'all,

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