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Long-tailed Duck (yes, again), N. Shrike, etc

I spent the morning at Antelope Island, and about 2 hours at the last 
bridge photographing ducks in flight.  There were 5 LONG-TAILED DUCKS, 2 
of which were males.  One appeared to be the same individual as 
previously reported, where as the other had a short pointed tail and 
looked to be in very good shape.  There were also numerous Barrow's 
Goldeneye, as well as a larger number of Common Goldeneye, and a large 
raft of Bufflehead.  2 Lesser Scaup also graced me with their 

Along the road to Garr Ranch I saw a NORTHERN SHRIKE, near the road to 
the Frary Peak Trailhead, as well as a good number of raptors, 
including: Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Red-tailed Hawk, Rough-legged 
Hawk, Prairie Falcon, and American Kestrel.

At Garr Ranch I ran into Terry Sadler, and Jim Bailey who had been 
looking at the Virginia Rail, which I missed on this trip.  2 Great 
Horned Owl remained near the spring as they have for the last month.

Good Birding

Salt Lake City, Utah

"I cannot help but think a curious event is this life of mine."
- John James Audubon

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