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trumpeter swans and Barrow's goldeneye at Salem pond

At 8:45 a.m. this morning I spotted a pair of juvenile swans on Salem
Pond across from the short fishing dock erected in the park earlier this
year. They appeared to be trumpeter swans and are probably the same pair
spotted in Salem last Sunday evening. I returned at 1 p.m. this
afternoon and observed them in approximately the same place. While
watching them I also observed a male Barrow's goldeneye swimming with a
large mixed flock of ducks on the far side of the pond. Common
goldeneyes, mallards, gadwalls, northern shovellers, lesser scaup,
ring-necked ducks, American wigeon, and green-winged teal were observed
along with Canada geese and some domestic ducks and geese. I checked the
far shoreline beneath the overhanging vegetation for wood ducks but did
not see any.

Lu Giddings


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