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Fwd: Red-breasted sapsucker

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----Original Message Follows----
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 20:56:07 -0700 (MST)

It was submitted by Pat Richards.

Subject: Red-breasted sapsucker

Email_Address: t.hawk@comcast.net

Message: Sighted Nov. 8 at Sunbrook Golf course in St. George, the Woodbridge nine. Completely red head with very distinct white stripe below the eye, very small one (almost a dot) above. The Sidley field guide is the closest representation--others I have checked do not show much of a white stripe. I reported this to the naturalist at Snow Canyon the next day and hope someone will try to get another look at this bird. I was not with any other birders, so have no one to confirm. If it is seen again, I would love to know. It was quite calm on the trunk of a small tree near the cart path and allowed me to get very close in the golf cart and view it from several angles. 
Pat Richards, Salt Lake City

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