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Ouray National Wildlife Refuge General Waterbird Survey

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
General Waterbird Survey

 Diving ducks are starting to move in.  First time since 1999 that we've
pulled some canvasbacks in.  Maybe the drought is over.  The following
birds were seen within the survey route:

Canada geese   1,405
Mallard   431
Gadwall   263
American wigeon   23
Northern shoveler   161
Northern pintail   147
Green-winged teal   321
Canvasback   3
Scaup   10
Ringneck duck   11
Ruddy duck   36
Bufflehead   2
Coots    1,316
American bittern   1
Great blue heron   26
Double-crested cormorants   1
American white pelicans   23
Cattle egret   1
Great egret   1
Sandhill crane   84
Pied-billed grebes   52
Western grebe   28
Clark's grebe   10
Eared grebe   6
Wilson's snipe   30
Ring-billed gull   10
Red-tailed hawk   1
Northern harrier   3
American kestrel   1

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Randlett, UT
(435)545-2522 x 223


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