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Varied Thrush in yard

Hello all,

I was watching flickers, juncos, yellow warblers and yellow-rumped warblers 
flitting around the front yard catching breakfast this morning at 10:30am, when 
this larger bird landed in the middle of them with his back to me. My first 
thought was it was just a robin, but THEN... he turned around!!!  
It was a Varied Thrush -- the first one I've ever seen.  What a beautiful 
adult male specimen.  He stayed for about 15 minutes allowing me to get a 
wonderful look at him.  This has been a week for Thrushes, because I've had a little 
Hermit Thrush in the yard catching moths for at least a week.  
I've also seen a RSxYS intergrade Flicker regularly.  He has the red malar 
and red neck crescent with a brown cap and is red-shafted.  Very distinguished 
I don't know if these are usual or unusual sightings for Dugway, but Utah is 
turning out to be an interesting place to live - for a birder.

Candy Zaffis
Dugway Proving Ground, UT


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