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Bear River Refuge Count

Total duck count of about 85,000 ducks is slightly above last years' count
of 80,000 and also above the long-term average of 77,000.  Green-winged
teal are not here in large numbers yet.  Later than average peak for some
of the late migrant divers like bufflehead and common goldeneye.  Cinnamon
teal not here at average numbers yet.  Shorebird numbers for this time of
year are below average.  In the next 5 days we should start seeing
White-faced Ibis, Black-necked Stilt, Marbled Godwit, yellowlegs, Caspian
Tern, Snowy Egret, and many of the sandpipers and the departure of the rest
of the swans.   About 30% of the birds counted can be observed from the
Refuge tour loop.

1st spring observations of Eurasian wigeon, Franklin's gull, Black-crowned
night heron, Western Grebe, American pipit, and dowitchers.  Canada geese
are incubating eggs as they finish laying their clutches, as are killdeer.
Snowy plovers have been busy constructing several nest cups but no eggs
were found.

Tundra Swan       580
Canada Goose            346
Mallard                 4488
Pintail                 14916
GW Teal           4869
Cinnamon Teal           628
Shoveler          20483
Gadwall           5851
Wigeon                  12,224
Eurasian wigeon   1
Canvasback        2564
Redhead           3577
Scaup             6566
C. goldeneye            3706
Bufflehead        3508
Red-breasted merg.      2
Ring-necked duck  4
Rudddy duck       2320
PB Grebe          2
Eared Grebe       5484
Western Grebe           23
Clark's Grebe           45
AW pelican        183
DC Cormorant            223
GB Heron          47
Black-crown. N. Heron   3
Snowy Plover            23
Killdeer                73
American Avocet   1663
LB Curlew         1
Baird's sandpiper 36
Dowitcher         14
Franklin's gull         12
RB Gull                 268
California Gull         3612
Coot              13288
Bald Eagle        1
N. Harrier        13

Bridget Olson
Wildlife Biologist
Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge
58 S. 950 W.
Brigham City, UT  84302
Phone: 435/723-5887 ext. 13
Fax: 435/723-8873


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