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Seeking photo submissions for North American Birds

Hello Utah and Nevada birders,

Steve and I have recently finished drafting the fall Great Basin write-up
for North American Birds.  There certainly were many great birds observed in
Nevada and Utah this fall, and even a couple state firsts.  We're hoping
that you all can provide some high quality images of some of the rarities
observed last fall (August - November 2004), including:

Reddish Egret
Laughing Gull
Groove-billed Ani
Worm-eating Warbler

White Ibis
Yellow-throated Vireo
Yellow-throated Warbler
Scarlet Tanager

Obviously the photographers will be fully credited for any images appearing
in North American Birds.  We can accept images in nearly any format, however
high quality digital images are preferred.  Email questions and photographs
to me at rfridell@redrock.net .

Thanks for your time,

Rick Fridell and Steve Summers,
Great Basin Regional Editors,
North American Birds

PS, We'd also like to thank all the observers who routinely submit quarterly
reports for NAB.  They are very much appreciated.  And since I'm asking, I
also want to encourage everyone, Utah birders in particular, to submit
reports (Winter Season: Dec-Feb ; Spring: Mar-May ; Summer: Jun-Jul ; Fall:


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