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Orange-Crowned Warbler in Layton

I saw an ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER in Layton, Davis County, along Kays Creek at Layton Commons today.  This warbler is classified as a rare winter species on Utah's 2004 checklist.  The warbler seemed to be traveling in a mixed flock with Black-capped Chickadees, a pair of Brown Creepers, and Dark-eyed Juncos.  The specific location along the path was next to the Weldon Snow Field bubble.  In addition to the species mentioned above, I also saw a couple Spotted Towhees and American Robins along the path.
Kays Creek at Layton Commons is one of those municipal parks that the waterfowl love.  Hundreds of Mallards and at least a dozen and a half pairs of Wood Ducks, Canada Geese, domestic geese and a few "plants"--a pair of the ugliest and most cantankerous waterfowl species on the planet--Egyptian Geese, a Bar-headed Goose, Black Swans, various domestic geese, and many AFLAC ducks all used the pools.  
Reply for specific directions to the park. 