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RE: Long-tailed Duck at AIC

A pair of Long-tailed Ducks was reported last week as being seen in Cache Valley at Logan Sewage Lagoons.
Stephen Peterson
From: "Eric Huish" <poorwill_@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: "Eric Huish" <poorwill_@hotmail.com>
To: birdnet@utahbirds.org
Subject: [birdnet] Long-tailed Duck at AIC
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 17:46:09 -0700
I don't think a LONG-TAILED DUCK has been reported yet this year so I thought I'd let you know Grant and Dellamae Jense and myself saw a female on the Antelope Island Causeway today (11-10-04) on the North side of the causeway between the marina and the last bridge.  We also saw the three species of scoters.  We saw the Black in the same area as the LT Duck, again in the marina and again nearer the other end of the causeway.  The White-winged was in the same area as previously reported (on the South side near the island).  The Surf Scoter was on the South side of the causeway somewhere in the middle.
The Red-throated Loon is still at Hyrum Reservoir hanging out near the dam..  We didn?t see any scoters there.
There are still Horned Grebes at Mantua Reservoir.
Eric Huish
Pleasant Grove UT
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