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Re: [BirdTalk] Update on Pacific Loon at Hyrum Reservoir & Ross's Goose

Hi all,
I just got back from Hyrum Reservoir after observing the Red-throated Loon for several minutes.  Unfortunately, I didn't see the Scoters.
Besides the RT Loon, I also saw several Common Loons, MANY Common Mergansers, California Gulls, a Double Crested Cormorant, a Belted Kingfisher, a Cooper's hawk, and a Northern Flicker on the way home.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 9:25 AM
Subject: RE: [BirdTalk] Update on Pacific Loon at Hyrum Reservoir & Ross's Goose

After posting my message about seeing the Pacific Loon, the second time, on Sunday, on the west end of Hryum reservoir, I read a post from some very credible Cache Valley birders, Jean Lown, Bryan Dixon, Melanie Spriggs, Larry Ryel and Ron Ryel who reported Saturday seeing a Red-throated Loon near the west end of the reservoir. Second summer bird changing into winter plumage.
This would probably clear up my confusion as to what I actually saw. I assumed that the Loon I was looking at by the dam was a Pacific. After looking at Sibleys Guide and thinking back as to what I saw, I guess that I had really been looking at a Red-throated Loon.
Winter plumage rules!!! I will have to go back and study this bird even closer.
This group also reported 5 Surf Scoters and 2 White-winged Scoters on the Northeast portion of the Reservoir.
I need a scope!! If someone is going out to Hyrum Reservoir this week and has a scope, please call me!
Also reported in Cache Valley this weekend by Sue Drown was Cattle Egrets at the USU Caine Dairy, confirmation of Surf and White-winged Scoters, 2 Ross's Geese and a male hooded merganser at Hyrum Reservoir. Also, 3 Long-tailed Ducks and several Bonapartes Gulls at the Logan Sewage Lagoons.
Stephen Peterson
daytime #: (435) 755-4152
nighttime #: (435) 755-5041