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Ouray National Wildlife Bird Survey

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
General Waterbird Survey

We're pumping into one unit (which is leaking into another unit) and have run water into the shallow ponds; trying to maintain at least some water into the fall migration.  Starting to see other critters that have been somewhat secretive all summer:  several turkeys with broods, a nice buck, a doe with twins.   The following birds were seen within the survey route:

Canada geese                    6
Mallard                        140
Gadwall                136
Northern shoveler            4
Green-winged teal           20
Cinnamon teal                   68
Blue-winged teal             7
Teal                         175
Redhead                     5
Ruddy duck                  17
American coot                232
Pied-billed grebe          10
Clark's grebe                    2                  
Great blue heron          22
Snowy egret                  31
Great egret                    1
B-C night heron                    6
D.C. cormorant                  19
American white pelican        323
White-faced ibis           22
American bittern             1
Killdeer                           68
American Avocet             4
Black-necked stilt           43
Lesser yellowlegs           47
Greater yellowlegs             1
Solitary sandpiper            1
Least sandpiper             1
Spotted sandpiper             6
Western sandpiper           21
Wilson's phalarope           14
Dowitchers                   57                                
Ring-billed gull                      1
Forster's tern                      7
Turkey vulture                     18
American kestrel              4
Red-tailed hawk              1

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Randlett, UT
(435)545-2522 x 223