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Re: virus

Thanks for the posts regarding viruses to the Utahbirds mailing lists. As
new viruses are developed, I am sure there will be cases where the mailing
list server's virus scanners might miss the new ones. As I look through
the server logs, I see that a high percentage of incoming mail contains
viruses. Those e-mails are quarantined and not forwarded to the mailing
list (or to anyone!).

Because of the recent rapid increase in spam and viruses, all incoming
mail is assumed to either contain a virus or be spam. Only after the mail
successfully passes through all the mail filters is it allowed to proceed.

During the past few weeks I have noticed an alarming increase in incoming
posts to the mailing lists, purporting to be from someone at
utahbirds.org, advising recipients to follow a link for more information,
or including an attachment that will "fix" your computer (etc.). As far as
I know, all of these have been blocked.

These really are not sent by anyone at utahbirds.org. (I have even seen
some that purport to be from one of the mailing lists!!)

I strongly advise anyone using Windows, Internet Explorer and Outlook to
invest in an up-to-date virus scanner for their computer. Because of their
propensity to execute viruses, I gave up Internet Explorer and Outlook
Express several years ago, and have never looked back. (Hint: I visited
mozilla.org and downloaded their browser and e-mail client, and have been
very happy with them ... and they don't automatically execute viruses in
attachments, as far as I can tell ... They also block popups!)

Good birding!

Weldon Whipple


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