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Fish Springs NWR - Least Tern, Pacific Loon, American Redstart

My dad and I headed out to Fish Springs NWR (Juab Co.) today...just a little change in scenery from NY! Here were some of the more notable sightings from the day:

Blue-winged Teal - 1 male in Avocet Unit
Common Goldeneye - 1 lingering female in Ibis Unit
PACIFIC LOON - 1 - It was in the far east end of Avocet Unit. The loon appeared to be molting into first summer plumage. I obtained a few decent photographs of the unusual plumage the bird was displaying!
Great Egret - 1 in Avocet Unit
LEAST TERN - 1 adult mixed in with a flock of approximately 30 Forster's Terns in Mallard Unit. I was also able to obtain poor, but sufficient photographs of this bird for documentation.
Lewis' Woodpecker - 1 in the picnic area - less than annual at the refuge
Olive-sided Flycatcher - 1 in the housing area - less than annual at the refuge
AMERICAN REDSTART - 1 second calender year male in the picnic area - it sang occassionally

Note: the loon, tern and redstart were all seen in areas OPEN to the public. Contact Jay Banta to gain access to the rest of the refuge.

An interesting observation occurred on the way home when we came across about 1000 California Gulls feeding on crickets in the sagebrush and junipers along the Pony Express Road between Simpson's Springs and Dugway Pass (i.e. in the middle of nowhere). It was a spectacle to watch!


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