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FW: Northern Parula

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
It was submitted by jay_banta@fws.gov

Subject: Northern Parula

Email_Address: jay_banta@fws.gov

Message: A female Northern parula warbler was caught in the mist nets and banded at Fish Springs NWR on 05-18-04 at approx. 11 am. This is a new species record for the Refuge. Birders interested in attempting to look for this bird should contact the Refuge office during working hours (7-4:30) or contact Jay at 435 (830)7039(after 4:30 pm only, use the office number before then!) All birders are reminded that most of the Refuge Headquarter compound is not open to the public without advance permission from Jay or one of his staff.

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