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Pineview Reservoir 5-4-04

Pomera and I birded Pineview Reservoir yesterday. The North Arm nature area was full of bird song. Highlights: Calliope Hummingbird, Osprey, Chat (audible only), lots of Yellow Warblers. We also saw a Great Horned Owl on a nest with an owlet at another location as you progress around the lake to the east. That is the third Great Horned we have seen on a nest with babies in the past week. We saw two up in Rich County last Friday (the 30th of April). Also in Rich we saw hundreds of Vesper Sparrows migrating--it was quite a treat because I usually see them in singles.

We stopped by Antelope on the way home and got "bugged." Kazillions of midges were all along the causeway. The infestation made the news last night. The bugs were so bad that they told you about them at the entrance station, and you could see the tornado-like clouds as you drove along. You definitely didn't want to roll down the windows. Anytime you stopped they swarmed the windows. Pomera's windshield was a big mess! Apparently they are just along the causeway, the island is OK.

We saw lots of Sanderlings and some Western Sandpipers but nothing really unusual. But it was sure interesting with all those bugs!

Good birding y'all,
Julie Van Moorhem


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