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Ouray National Wildlife Refuge General Bird Survey

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
General Waterbird Survey

With the warm temperatures, all ice is off the River and impoundments.  We have also started putting water into our shallow wetlands along the auto tour route and the birds are responding.   The following birds were seen within the survey route:

Canada geese                109
Mallard                         277
Gadwall                 224
Northern shoveler           29
American wigeon           18
Northern pintail                 469
Green-winged teal         764
Cinnamon teal                    33
Common merganser            58
Bufflehead                    10
Ring-necked duck            45
Scaup                            30
Redhead                    22
Ruddy duck                     3
American coot                   250
Pied-billed grebe               3
Western grebe                       1
Great blue heron             21
D.c. cormorant                     25
Killdeer                               1
Lesser yellowlegs               1
Golden eagle                       2
American kestrel               1
Red-tailed hawk               1
Northern harrier                       1
Ring-billed gull                     20
Franklin's gull                       1

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Randlett, UT
(435)545-2522 x 223