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Mayor's Pond 2/17/0

Hi all

Jill and I birded Mayor's Pond in Brigham City this morning.  On the way
there from Hyrum, we saw a couple of American Crows, a Red-tailed hawk
and a Western Meadowlark on the side of the road.

At the pond itself, we saw the following:

Green-winged Teal
American Coot
Common Goldeneye
Lesser Scaup
Belted Kingfisher
Pied-billed Grebe
Great Blue Heron
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Song Sparrow
Rock Pigeon

We finally got the elusive(?) Barrow's Goldeneye which we were seeking.  =
I believe that there were two on the pond, one in the northwestern =
corner, near the dam, and one in the southeastern corner, near the road =
that goes to the gravel pit.   They didn't stay around for too long, as =
the trucks spooked them.  They didn't seem to bother the other ducks, =
though.  We also got out first Golden-crowned Kinglets of the year.

Good birding,


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