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Barn Owl!

Hi everyone,
Yesterday i went birding down on River lane last night around 4:00 P.M. and was lucky enough to see a Barn Owl out flying along the road just West of River lane road by the sign that says Lake Shore. I saw it at about 4:45 P.M. It flew right over my car and landed about 30 yards away from the road on a fence post, and stayed there for about 5 minutes and then started to fly along the road again in a loop going up and down each side of the road! It was pretty cool to watch!
I also saw 21 House sparrows, 3 American Kestrels, 10 Green winged Teal, 1 Northern Harrier, 25 Ring billed Gulls, 7 White crowned sparrows, 1 Song Sparrow, 7 Northern Pintail, 2 Red winged Blackbirds, 32 Brewers Blackbirds, 1 Red tailed Hawk, 1 Killdeer, and 2 Ring Necked Pheasants. Also has anybody heard of a Reeves Pheasant? My brother shot one three weeks ago out in Mitton on a pheasant hunting club and from what people have told us is that is a very rare pheasant because the are very aggressive and are very very difficult to raise! But anyway i also was wondering were the silage pits are?could someone help me out, and is the Harris sparrow still there?
well good luck to everyone!!
Brad Wahlin