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Waterfowl and more!!

Yesterday the 17th of january i went to the ponds at flowserve which is in
Provo. If you are on I-15 you would go to exit 265 and head east and it will be
on your right side. If you are on i guess it would be highway 89 you would
turn west on state road 75and head west and it will be on your left hand side,
you cant miss it!!! I am sure most every one knows where it is but for those who
dont there you go!! Anyway while i was there i saw lots of waterfowl and a
few others and heres what i saw!

Canada geese 2  ( one of the geese there was one of the 11 subspecies of the
Canada goose and it was a "Cackling goose".
Mallard 52
Northern Pintail 4 (all drakes)
Northern Shoveler 94
Gadwall 30
American coot 1
Green Wing Teal 13
Bufflehead 1 (very pretty drake)
Common Goldeneye 44
American Widgeon 5 (2 hens and 3 drakes)
Killdeer 1
Northern Flicker 1
Snipe 2
Magpie 1
Northern Harrier 1
It was a great day there at the pond and i think the birds are going to stick
around a while because the pond is 100% ice free and with the tempatures the
way that they have been there is not alot of open water so it may be a good
idea for us to keep a pretty good watch on it for migrants moving through the
area!!! I also went to see the Urasian Widgeon that was reported in the provo
river bottoms near the golf course there but, i think i got there to late in the
day!!!! well good luck to everyone out there and have a good day!!

Brad Wahlin


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