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FW: Rosy-Finches, 12-28-03

Birdnet Email -- from the website

----Original Message Follows----
It was submitted by Julie

Subject: Rosy-Finches, 12-28-03

Message: Pomera and I went to Alta for the umpteenth time to search for Black Rosy-Finch and finally found one. There was a small flock of about 6 in the trees by the feeder of the first house on the by-pass road (entering from the top). It was definitely dark blackish, not the rich brown of the grays.

At the Salt Lake City Cemetery we found a Merlin. At 48th South and 1300 East we finally found a large flock of Cedar Waxwings, the first we've seen in months. However, we did not find a Bohemian Waxwing in the flock.

As this year comes to a close in a few days I hope you've all gotten your fill of birding (ha, ha) and are ready to start all over--it's a great hobby!

Good birding y'all,

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