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Fw: Blue Jay in No. Ogden

I wrote this during work and sent it to myself.

Good luck!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Glenn B. Barlow 
To: gbarlow@aros.net 
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 2:00 PM
Subject: Blue Jay in No. Ogden

Fellow birders,

On Sunday evening I received a telephone call from Bill Fenimore about a Blue Jay coming to a feeder in No. Ogden.  The fellow call Bill at his Layton Wild Bird Center to report the sighting.

I called the fellow shortly after Bill called me.  He told me the Blue Jay had been coming to his feeder for 2-3 days, and he had seen it on Sunday morning and photographed it.  I asked him for permission to view the bird.  He told me he lived on a hill and the best place to view the bird would be from either the path or the street below his house, looking up at his deck.

This morning (Monday) I went to the place he described, arriving at 10:15 a.m.  At about 11 a.m. the bird showed up in the aspen trees below (and south) of his home.  The man's name is Steven Federmann and he lives at 395 East 3350 North, in Lakeview Heights (North Ogden).  The bird stayed briefly in the aspen trees below the deck, then flew south (to my left).  I tried to chase it and locate it again, but was rewarded only with a view of a Western Scrub Jay in the top of an evergreen.  So, I returned to my viewing sight.  As I approached from the west I saw what looked like the Blue Jay near the top of a group of tall aspens, just south of Steven's property.  Sure enough, it was the Blue Jay.  While the crest was not all that visible, because of the way the bird was turned, the top of the head was NOT flat like a scrub jay.  Also, the white marks on the wings were quite visible.  It subsequently flew away again to the south.

Here are directions for those who like long drives.  Take I-15 north to Exit 352: Farr West/Pleasant View.  Turn right on 1500 North (UT Hwy 134) past the industrial buildings.  You will be traveling east.  Keep going until you come to the UT 134 intersection with Hwy 89.  There will be a traffic light and across the street you will see a Chevron Service Station.  Turn right.  Immediately you will see a sign to North Ogden, with the arrow pointing left.  Take that next street left.  It will be 2550 North (UT Hwy 235) and you will go east to Washington Blvd.  As you proceed east, on your right you will pass the new North View Fire Station.  Ahead you will see a traffic light.  At the traffic light you will see a sign that shows Washington Blvd.  (It will also be 400 East.)   Also, you will see a Smith's Market.  Turn left (north) and immediately you will see another traffic light at 2600 North.  At that intersection there is a McDonald's Restaurant on the left and a 7-11 convenience store on the right.  Continue north up the hill, winding right, then straightening out.  As you pass an LDS Church on your left, the street will become 450 East.

Continue up the hill and on your right you will see a rock/concrete sign that reads "Lakeview Heights."  You will have crossed over a canal and will see the canal and a path on your left.  You will then come to 3325 North.  Turn left on 3325 North.  Go slowly and on your right you will see the path again.  On the left you will see a house with the address of 413 West 3325 North.  Park on the right side of the street, just past that house, but east of the driveway on the right.  On your right you will see a string of houses above you.  There is a house with a group of aspens running east to west at the bottom of the property.  That is Steven Federmann's house.  He has a feeder on the east side of the trees and on the west side of the trees.  In the aspens, on the west side of his property, is where I first spotted the Blue Jay and this is where he reported the bird coming to his feeder.  Good luck!!!
