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Ouray National Wildlife Refuge Bird Survey

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge
General Waterbird Survey

The following birds were seen from the survey route on the refuge.  With
ice forming in the bottoms most mornings, many birds have moved off the
refuge.  Only Leota and Johnson Bottoms have water.  Leota is open to
hunting and many birds have been pushed out of that area as well.  Large
concentrations of Canada geese, sandhill cranes, and mallards (as well as
elk and mule deer) still use the farm fields near the refuge office early
in the morning.

Mallard                 252
Gadwall             18
Northern pintail          32
Green-winged teal 125
Northern shoveler     6
Redhead               4
Ruddy duck          30
Common merganser    71
Red-breasted merg.          6
Canada goose            1,986
Tundra swan           2
Pied-billed grebe   18
Eared grebe           2
Western grebe               3
Great blue heron      6
American coot           246
Sandhill crane            56
Amer. avocet                2
Dowitcher             5
Ring-billed gull          36
Northern harrier           3
Amer. kestrel              1
Bald Eagle           2

Diane Penttila
Ouray NWR
Randlett, UT
(435)545-2522 x 223


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